One of the most unforgettable days during my South America trip was spending a day with thousands of penguins. What started as an ordinary Saturday turned extraordinary as I found myself at the remote southern tip of the planet – Magdalena Island – to witness the magic of life's creation. Nestled in the vast ocean lies a tiny island. The winds here were ferociously cold, and I felt like I could be blown away if I jumped too high. Despite such harsh conditions, this tiny island serves as a home to 60,000 Magellanic penguins and countless seabirds. Penguins are naturally adorable creatures, and they easily captured my heart. Witnessing their communal way of living with numerous families was a delightful experience. Some penguins were out at sea, searching for food, while others took leisurely strolls or were busily gathering materials to build their homes. The warmth of the sun, the vastness of the ocean, and the feeling of life all brought me back to my childhood days - a sense of belonging and family, where life was carefree and everything seemed possible. I couldn't help but wonder, since when did I lose that feeling? 这次南美旅行很难忘的一天,应该是和几万只企鹅呆在一起的那个周六吧。同样是周六,此时的我在遥远的 Magdalena Island, 见证着大自然这包含一切的美妙。 遥望无际的大海中,站立着这么一个小小的岛屿。这里刺骨的极地风能一个不小心把人吹走,而却又有数不清的企鹅和海鸟在这里繁衍下一代。 看着这些可爱的一家家企鹅,有海边觅食的,有岛上遛弯的,还有忙着给宝宝找筑巢材料的。阳光,海浪,生命力,给我一种深深的no worry, 岁月静好的感觉。仿佛带我回到了小时候无忧无虑的时光。 Here are some photos and a video I filmed from Magdalena Island: